Saturday, October 25, 2008


can i just say that i like people who are actually mentally retarded, but i hate "retards"?  i would way rather spend time with a person who is literally retarded, than with a person who is not but is commonly referred to as a retard based on his or her actions and statements.  i propose we stop using that word to describe people who actually have some kind of mental impairment, and use it only to describe people that are generally stupid for no clinical reason.  then we can call the genuine retards another name, like adult children or something along those lines.  i would like that world much better.  i don't like when i am forced to call someone a retard, because this gives actually retarded people a bad name.

Friday, October 24, 2008

let's talk about the grocery store.

i have a problem with the people i encounter in the grocery store. they seem to be confused about some basic traffic rules. to me, it seems simple enough to take the rules of the road and apply them to the shopping cart. unfortunately the average person does not make this connection. for example, if you are driving on one road, and that road ends when it meets another road, do you keep driving, or do you stop and wait for a traffic opening on the new road? now let's move this concept into aisle 7. imagine you are pushing a cart down aisle 7, and aisle 7 ends. at the end of aisle 7, you enter a bigger, unnumbered aisle that has heavy cart traffic. do you keep walking into the new aisle? do you run into people with your cart, because you are too god damn stupid to realize that your path ended and you were entering a new path with people already travelling on it? or do you stop, yield right of way to oncoming traffic, and then enter the aisle when it's safe to do so? also... when you are driving your car, do you stop in the middle of the road when you see something interesting, fully blocking the way for other drivers? i would hope not. yet this happens often by the seafood section. people like to stop their carts and form a human-cart blood clot. i can't tell you how happy this makes me. and one more thing... do we have to handle every bunch of bananas? do we have to feel every banana until we find the right one? just pick a yellow one. they're pretty much all the same.

My Boss

So my boss. I don't know where to even start with this guy. Half German/Half Asian who wishes he was only German. Today he came over to my desk and spoke some little quip in German. "Ich bin gutan Berliner achtung" or something. He seemed to think I would understand this foreign tongue and waited for a response. I DON'T KNOW GERMAN!

and then i was like yeah dude

so earlier i was walking around, and i saw a man. he said something to me, like "have a good day" or something along those lines. i mean really, some people really just piss me off. he must have thought he was the king of the world, or some type of human / god amalgamation doling out good days like i would give change to the homeless. i am so pissed about this right now.